Saturday, March 21, 2009


            Things that have changed.

1)            Prince, the dog, now loves me. We rubbed it out and now the devil’s toss off will do my bidding. Granted I won’t be keeping bacon in my pockets.

2)            Apolline knows way more English than I do French. Imagine.

3)            When they speak, I hear words, not just sounds. It’s a start.

4)            I have internet

5)            I have a new nemesis in the form of a giant peacock.

6)            I have weaned myself from French game shows.

            Things that haven’t changed.

1)            The English are still on my shit list.

2)            I still have no phone.

3)            I don’t have internet…sometimes.

4)            Wine is divine.

5)            Belgium beer is wicked good.

6)            Although I don’t watch the game shows, I miss them.

1 comment:

  1. Well, well, well. Good to hear of your (mis)adventures in Europe. The vineyard sounds great, like a passion to be embraced by honest people (if that makes any sense). You have stripped life back to what life should be: adventure, perspiration and laughter (although maybe not in that order). When you finally decide to move on from this new life (if ever), the wisdom you will have gained through your experiences will be that which can never be book learned, nor explainable to those who have not also treaded a similar path. I envy you, I miss you, and I hope to see you in the near future (after all, the Caribbean is much warmer than the Alps).

    -Jason Heskew
